Managing Music Collections
This course is designed to give library staff without a background in music a foundation in the basic principles underlying the successful management of music collections. The key areas of the collection management life cycle (collection building, organization, promotion, preservation and weeding and disposal) are introduced systematically with specific reference to music resources. The course includes presentations, practical exercises and opportunities to ask questions and share experiences.
At the end of the day participants will have:
- an understanding of the relationships between different areas of the collection management life cycle;
- an awareness of the tools available for selecting music materials;
- an appreciation of the challenges of the physical arrangement of music materials on the shelves;
- an awareness of a range of techniques for promoting collections;
- an understanding of basic principles of book handling and repair;
- an awareness of the principles governing the weeding and disposal of music collections.
Programme modules include:
- collection building;
- collection organization;
- collection promotion;
- collection preservation;
- collection weeding and disposal.
Please note that detailed module content may vary according to the reference resources available at the host venue.
Schedule of current fees
Information for course organizers
There are two options for course organization:
Organized by IAML (UK & Irl) in conjunction with a host library
IAML (UK & Irl) will be responsible for:
- the provision of qualified and experienced trainers (host library specialist staff are welcome to participate if wished)
- all course materials, including overhead transparencies, PowerPoint programme, handouts and enquiry session quizzes, feedback sheets, delegates’ lists, registration information and badges, course certificates
- catering arrangements (normally lunch + 3 coffee / tea breaks)
- the production and mailing of course brochure
- delegate bookings
- financial management (Note: IAML (UK & Irl) reserves the right to cancel a course if insufficient bookings are received, in which event no liability can be accepted)
In exchange for a negotiated number of free delegate places, the host library provides:
- free training room, and equipment
- photocopying of handouts (fair copies provided)
- local contact before and on the day (liaison / local information / input to catering arrangements / help with registration etc)
Organized by library authority or other agency in house
The library authority will be responsible for:
- training room and equipment
- catering arrangements (normally lunch + 3 coffee / tea breaks)
- production and circulation of course information
- nomination of delegates (restricted to own staff or to include neighbouring authorities as desired).
- delegate registration and badges, delegate lists, feedback sheets
- local contact before and on the day (liaison / local information etc)
For a negotiated fee (see fees), IAML (UK & Irl) provides:
- qualified and experienced trainers (host library specialist staff are welcome to participate if wished)
- all course materials, including overhead transparencies, PowerPoint program, handouts and enquiry session quizzes, feedback sheets
Essential requirements:
- Training room with a minimum of 18 PCs, all with internet access
- Data projector & screen linked to live internet access
- Overhead projector — as back-up in case live sites fail
- Technical support available on call
Desirable requirements:
- Powerpoint