Performance sets in UK collections – a survey for libraries and groups
IAML (UK & IRL) is keen to find out which authorities, groups and institutions have music performance sets and if they are currently lending them to users or other libraries. This will enable library staff undertaking interlibrary loans to know who they can contact to request sets, and also to update Encore 21 accordingly.
Please find the survey linked here.
Encore21 is a union catalogue of choral and orchestral performance sets held by libraries in Great Britain. There is no indication of live availability, for which you will need to consult the relevant library.
Search the Encore21 database – no login is needed. A short YouTube video introducing the new interface can be viewed here and a brief training manual for cataloguers who need to add new or edit existing Encore21 records is available here.
Orchestral sets coverage
Orchestral material that was notified to the British Union Catalogue of Orchestral Sets (BUCOS) formed the core of the orchestral collection, with later amendments notified to the British Library.
Orchestral material that is only available from the publisher
Users should be aware that much modern copyright material is only available on hire from the relevant publisher. A work probably remains in copyright If the composer, or the author of any text that was set died more recently than 70 years ago – dates can usually be found online. If such a work does not appear in Encore21, this probably means that the work remains in copyright. Information on publishers’ hire libraries may be found on the database Zinfonia, though not all publishers are represented there so you might need to contact a publisher directly. Though copies might be available from other sources, you should be aware that their unauthorised use for performance in the UK is likely to infringe copyright, and might lead to penalties.
Vocal sets coverage
Public library collections in England, Scotland and Wales that are known to lend performance sets.
Errors and omissions
If you have any comments about errors, omissions, changes to stock levels, etc. in Encore21 you can register them at this email address. Please be patient – this address is monitored entirely on a voluntary basis and deals only with technical issues. If your enquiry relates to availability of performance material you should contact the relevant library.
The Encore21 union catalogue of sets of performance music in UK Libraries is a project of IAML (UK & Irl) and was established with support from the British Library Co-operation and Partnership Programme.
The Koha database is hosted by PTFS Europe.