“A very great master of music”

This was the headline grabbing news in The Post Boy for the 26th November 1695 on the death of composer Henry Purcell. Recognised as one of the greatest English composers, Purcell was universally mourned.  But we wanted to celebrate his musical achievements rather than lament his death, not only as a prolific composer but also…


Many congratulations to Nottingham City Council, who have won Best Local Authority Arts Initiative for Nottingham Performing Arts Library Service (NPALS). What Next? and the National Campaign for the Arts have come together to create the Hearts for the Arts Awards, a new initiative to reward and thank Councils, Councillors and Council officers who are…

ASW round-up

A quick reminder of all things ASW….. The Annual Study Weekend will take place at Reed Hall, Exeter University between the 7th and 9th April, 2017. There’s something for everyone whether you’re interested in Extreme Cataloguing or baffled by non-print legal deposit. There’ll be visits to a range of libraries including Exeter Cathedral Library, and…

Your orchestra needs you!

One of the things we can be justly proud of is our rich culture of amateur orchestras and choral societies. From the smallest villages to the largest cities, these bring music to audiences throughout the year.  Where do they source their performance material?  From music libraries! And how do we value our music libraries?  Well,…

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

A very Merry Christmas to IAML (UK & Irl) members and followers everywhere. May you have a wonderful holiday season, and a happy, healthy and musical New Year. Here is the Opal Flutes flute choir having fun at Westminster Music Library. You can hear a selection of their music here.

The perils of being a webmaster

If you enjoy watching paint dry, read on … Those of you who avidly watch the website for new content will have been just a little disconcerted when you found that the site was offline for around 48 hours recently. You didn’t notice? Ah well, there’s another illusion shattered. First, a little background. Our website was…