IAML (UK & Irl) Branch News & Announcements

22 May 2024 The Branch Executive Committee held its annual in-person meeting at the British Library. Next meeting will be 23 Oct 2024, online.

24 April 2024 The Branch Annual General Meeting took place online via Zoom.

5 – 7 April 2024 The Annual Study Weekend took place at Radisson Blu Hotel, Leeds. Copies of presentations are available to logged in members

24 January 2024 The Branch Executive Committee met online. Topics for discussion included:

  • how to improve the ability of the new website to resist a cyber attack in light of the British Library’s recent experience and the need for a disaster recovery plan.
  • progress on the new membership area of the website, including membership fees for 2025.
  • an update on the current Encore 21! survey which asks users for their thoughts on improving the sustainability of this resource.

Next meeting 22 May in person at the British Library

25 October 2023 The Branch Executive Committee met online. Reports were heard from the committees including an interim report from the Cambridge 2023 committee. A final report will be produced in 2024. Other topics for discussion included:

  • the relocation of the Branch’s physical archive from the University of Cambridge to the University of Huddersfield, which we hope will happen in 2024
  • progress made on the new website toward including the introduction of a new membership area which will allow members to manage their own profile and increase engagement with the Branch.
  • Branch membership is also being discussed to see if there are any ways to increase and widen membership to related music organisations such as charities, societies, music publishers etc which may be mutually beneficial to the Branch
  • the management of Encore21! and how the Branch can futureproof this resource for us all for the future given the rising costs of web hosting fees

Next meeting 24 January 2024, online.

2 August 2023 Excellence Awards were presented during a session of the IAML international Congress in Cambridge,

The recipient of the personal award was Nia Daniel from the National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru.

Four institutional awards were made from six applications received:
– The Barbican Music Library, London.
– The Royal Northern College of Music Library, Manchester.
– The Gerald Coke Handel Collection at the Foundling Museum, London.
– The Jerwood Library of the Performing Arts, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance, London.

4 July 2023 International IAML has published a Letter of concern to IFLA on the World Library and Information Congress in 2024 concerning IFLA’s proposal to stage that Congress in Dubai, which contradicts both IFLA’s own principles and IAML’s convictions on diversity, equality and freedom of expression.

3 July 2023 The Branch Twitter (subsequently renamed X) feed on this website has ceased to function following Elon Musk’s latest bizarre decision to restrict viewing of posts only to logged in users. The entire block will be removed in due course. To access ‘tweets’ it is necessary now to login directly to X on an individual basis.