About the Communications Committee
The Communications Committee covers all matters concerning communication, publicity and promotion of Branch activities through all relevant channels. Our mission is to promote membership; to publicise Branch responses to policy and strategy documents on matters relevant to the Branch; and generally to raise awareness of the Branch, its activities and its achievements.
Some of our activities are proactive – such as overseeing and supporting the management of our national branch journal, Brio and all other Branch publications; authoring and commissioning blog posts; or monitoring the Branch’s Twitter account @IAML_UK_IRL. On other occasions, we respond to requests from other committees or groups to help publicise a new initiative.
So, for example, we’ve blogged about a volunteering opportunity with the Music Libraries Trust; shared news about an exhibition at the Barbican Music Library, ‘Black British Dynasties in Music’; reported a Memorandum of Understanding with CILIP, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals; and blogged about award and bursary winners.
In general, if a topic looks as though it would interest our members, might be of interest to people who use music libraries, or who are contemplating a career in music librarianship, then we’re keen to share the story.
If you have news that you’d like to share with us, you can email the Communications Committee Chair, or contact the blog editor to discuss contributing content for a blogpost.
Our Main Communication Channels

Brio – the journal of the United Kingdom and Ireland Branch of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres. Currently edited by Nicholas Clark and issued twice-yearly is available to all Branch members as part of their subscription. (International members also receive Fontes artis musicae from our international parent body.) Brio contains articles, updates on relevant research; and reviews of books and exhibitions.
The IAML (UK & Irl) Blog – do follow our blog, to keep up with our news.
Twitter – please do follow us @IAML_UK_IRL, our regular Twitter account.
Current committee membership can be seen here.