Documentation Committee


To deal with matters of bibliographic control, resource discovery and professional practice.
The committee oversees projects (e.g. Encore21 and Cecilia), monitors developments in metadata standards (e.g. MARC, RDA and Dewey Decimal Classification), and formulates responses on behalf of IAML (UK & Irl) when required. It is also active in supporting the UK’s and Ireland’s contributions to RILM and RISM.


The Cecilia database comprises descriptions of music collections in libraries, archives and museums throughout the UK and Ireland. It is a project of IAML (UK & Irl) whose creation was funded in 1999 with grants from the British Library Cooperation and Partnership Scheme, the Research Support Libraries Programme and the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council. Manager: Chris Scobie.

Institutions with music collections can add and amend details of their own holdings. Data is also added as part of research projects, for example the University of Southampton Sound Heritage project ‘Music Collections, Music Rooms and Musical Practice in British Country Houses, 1780-1860’, and the Royal Holloway, University of London project ‘Music, Heritage, Place‘.

Concert Programmes Database
A database of collections of concert programmes held in European libraries, archives and museums: a resource for the history of musical life from the eighteenth century to the present day. The Concert Programmes Project database resulted from a three-year project that ran from 2004 to 2007, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and hosted by Cardiff University and the Royal College of Music. Concert Programmes Database Management Committee Representative: Rupert Ridgewell

Encore21 is a searchable online union catalogue of performance sets of vocal and orchestral music in UK libraries and music institutions. It is a project of IAML (UK & Irl), established with support from the British Library Co-operation and Partnership Programme and the Music Libraries Trust. The catalogue is used typically by musical groups such as choirs, orchestras and bands, as well as by libraries seeking to borrow material on behalf of their users via the well-established inter-library loan service (ILL). The catalogue sits on a Koha library management system, implemented and hosted by PTFS Europe.

Encore21 is a locating service, but not a booking system, so an individual searching Encore21 and finding a set they would like to borrow, should note its details and apply to their local library service to request the set through inter-library loan.

The system easily allows libraries to update their own holdings. For log-in details, training materials and further information, please contact the system managers.

IAML (UK & Irl) Archive
The branch archive is housed temporarily at the Pendlebury Library of Music at the University of Cambridge. Electronic records are preserved in the IAML (UK & Irl) e-Archive, currently stored and managed at the British Library. The material is arranged in ten main groups: AGMs; Executive Committee meetings; committees; conferences; publications; projects and campaigns; general correspondence; international IAML and constitutional matters; historical materials; and Music Libraries Trust. Enquiries by email are welcome.

Current committee membership can be seen here.