Conservatoire libraries amongst nation’s best for student satisfaction

The 2024 National Student Survey has once again revealed the importance of passionate, subject-specialist librarians, with three UK conservatoire libraries appearing in the top five for student satisfaction. In response to question 20 of the student survey, “How well have the library resources (e.g., books, online services and learning spaces) supported your learning?”, students offered…

The British Library: Thoughts on how to help our Patrons

One of our colleagues has recently blogged to remind patrons that librarians in other institutions are ready and willing to help where they can. Read ‘The Library’s doing Nothing? Don’t You Believe it!’ Do you have other suggestions you could share?

Happy New Year!

For academic librarians throughout the UK and Ireland it’s the start of another academic year. Over the next few weeks we’ll see lots of eager new faces, often looking slightly scared along with worried looking final years. Some of the librarians are looking pretty worried too as they start library induction tours and talks; and…

Westminster Music Library – our next big adventure

As the dust finally settled on our Arts Council funded project “Behind the Lines” (a year long programme of music workshops featuring the music and composers of the First World War) I was pondering during the depths of winter 2014 over what we in Westminster Music Library could do next…. Some might argue that being…

Music Libraries Trust ASW Bursary Winners 2014

The Music Libraries Trust was pleased to award nine full and part bursaries to enable winners to attend the recent IAML (UK & Irl) Annual Study Weekend held 11-13 April 2014 at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. The aim of the MLT is to support and fund the education and training of music librarians in the UK…