Committees and Working Groups
Communications Committee
Remit: To cover all matters concerning communication, publicity and promotion of Branch activities through all relevant channels. In particular: to promote membership; to publicise Branch responses to policy and strategy documents on matters relevant to the Branch; and generally to raise awareness of the Branch, its activities and its achievements. The Committee oversees and supports the management of Brio and all other Branch publications.
Membership: Jonathan Frank (Chair); Kate Eaton (Membership Secretary); Amy Foster (Press & PR); Vacancy (Blog Editor); Nicholas Clark (Brio Editor); Antony Gordon (Webmaster).
Documentation Committee
Remit: To deal with matters of bibliographic control, resource discovery and professional practice. The committee oversees projects (e.g. Encore21 and Cecilia), monitors developments in its areas of interest (e.g. MARC, RDA and Dewey), and formulates responses on behalf of IAML (UK & Irl) when required. It is also active in supporting the UK’s and Ireland’s contributions to RILM and RISM.
Membership: Caroline Shaw (Chair); Federica Nardacci (Secretary); Charlotte Jones (Performance Sets Officer); Vacancy (Encore21 Manager); Deborah Lee; Chris Scobie (Cecilia Manager)
Events & Training Committee
Remit: To assist in the education and professional development of those who work with music in libraries at all levels, through the organisation of courses, presentations, visits, seminars and other events such as the Annual Study Weekend.
Membership: Lee Noon – training & Catherine Small – ASW (Joint Chairs); Meg Fisher; Helen Snelling (Minutes Secretary); Geoff Thomason; Darius Wong.
Trade & Copyright Committee
Remit: To advise the Branch on issues relating to intellectual property, particularly copyright and licensing, as they affect the music library profession, and to deal with issues relating to the profession’s relationship with publishers and suppliers of music material.
Membership: Margaret Jones (Chair); Chris Scobie (Secretary); Nicky Grant, Morag Greig; Claire Kidwell; Harriet Randall, Philip Shields; Ben Siebertz-Willett, Simon Wright.
Finance & Administration Committee
Remit: To give detailed consideration to financial and organisational matters on behalf of the Executive Committee. Typical areas of interest include membership rates, Brio subscription and advertising rates, and procedures for elections and the recruitment of Branch officers. Following discussion, recommendations are returned to the Executive Committee for final approval.
Membership: Janet Di Franco (President); Meg Fisher (General Secretary); Ashley Day (Treasurer); Gail Tasker (Minutes Secretary); Roy Stanley (Ireland Representative); Vacancy (Executive Committee Representative), Almut Boehme (Executive Committee Representative).
Working Groups
Encore21 Monitoring Group
To support the ongoing administration of the Encore21 union catalogue of performance sets, after its transfer to the Koha system in October 2021. To support the development and improvement of Encore21 in the context of UK performance sets inter-lending
Jane Henshaw (Platform manager); Catherine Small (Platform manager); Caroline Shaw (Chair); Charlotte Jones; Antony Gordon; Martin Feijen (assists on ad hoc basis)
Reports to IAML UK and Ireland Branch Executive Committee and shares information with the IAML UK and Ireland Branch Documentation Committee
Frequency, timing and venue
Meets two or three times a year for one hour, online.
The three platform managers meet more frequently, as necessary.
To support the platform managers in ensuring Ensure that Encore21 remains the key resource for UK performance sets inter-lending
To support the platform managers in the following tasks:
• Manage the addition of new holdings and descriptive data to the catalogue
• Train new Encore cataloguers as necessary
• Manage and improve existing catalogue metadata
• Monitor the system, together with the host PTFS Europe
• Maintain and test the system, together with the host PTFS Europe
• Analyse statistics
• Engage with the target audience
Chiefly via email and a dedicated Google Drive
Prize committees
C.B. Oldman Prize
Colin Coleman (Convenor); Meg Fisher; Roy Stanley.
E.T. Bryant Memorial Prize
Nicholas Clark (Convenor); Margaret Jones; Sally Groves.
IAML (UK & Irl) Excellence Awards
Peter Baxter; Geoff Thomason.