IAML (UK & Irl) celebrated both institutional and individual Excellence in its recent Excellence Awards ceremony held at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge on Saturday April 12th 2014. The Excellence Awards are presented every two years and acknowledge activity in music libraries which demonstrates sustained good work and good practice with the potential to be adopted…
Category: News
Category: News
‘A small sensation’ at Trinity College Dublin: the Erfurt Enchiridion (1524)
Rare book collections don’t often make the headlines of foreign newspapers, and when they do it is usually for the ‘wrong’ reasons – a spectacular theft, or catastrophic destruction due to fire, flood or earthquake. So it was all the more surprising to find a story in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on 19 June last…
Category: News
Greetings and Happy New Year from the Conference Committee!
If you haven’t yet heard, the registration booking form for the 2014 ASW in Cambridge is now live on the IAML UK & Irl website. Run, don’t walk, and grab a place now for this amazing 48-hour affair! What is the ASW, you say? Why, the Annual Study Weekend, of course– our national conference!
Category: News
Friday Night Is Music Night celebrates 90 years of the BBC Music Library
This evening Radio 2 will broadcast a special edition of their flagship live music programme Friday Night is Music Night which celebrates 90 years of the BBC music library. As usual the programme will feature music drawn mostly from the lighter side of our collections, and presenter Ken Bruce will discuss the music and the…
Category: News
At the event: the IAML(UK & Irl) Jubilee reception
Picture the scene: a gathering of the glitterati of the music library world together with many honoured guests all assembled at the Foundling Museum under the watchful-yet-kindly eye of Handel. A harmonious hubbub, a concerto of chatter, a chorus of celebration…Why? Because on October 22nd 2013, the United Kingdom and Ireland Branch of IAML celebrated…
Category: News
Gilbert & Sullivan: Yeomen of the Guard
To celebrate the 125th anniversary of the first performance of Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta The Yeomen of the Guard the Royal College of Music has digitised the overture and made it available via the library website. The manuscript was bequeathed to the RCM by Arthur Sullivan and the physical copy is also on display in…
Category: News
Heron-Allen Miscellanea
Many probably know that the Royal College of Music Library has a huge collection of writings on string instruments from the 16th century onwards, collected and donated by Edward Heron-Allen. It includes 28 bound volumes of Miscellanea on strings, players, instruments etc., containing press cuttings, articles, catalogues, and countless other ephemera from an extraordinary range…
Category: News
Welcome to the IAML (UK & Irl) blog. We now have yet another way of sharing all our exciting news! In addition to publishing our Newsletter and having news on the webpage IAML (UK & Irl) will be keeping you up to date with Tweets (@IAML_UK_IRL) and our brand new blog.